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  • How do I place an order?
    To place an order, 1. Simply click on the item. Select the right colour, size and quantity. 2. Add to cart 3. Checkout. That's it!
  • Can I change or cancel an order after checking out of the shopping cart?
    Yes, you can. Send an email with your request within 2 hours of placing your order. A sales agent will contact you to confirm your request and changes/cancellations.
  • How will I know the status of my order?
    The status of your order will be verified via: 1. Email will be sent to you. 2. Sales agent will contact you to confirm order. 3. Sales agent will contact you when payment is received. 4. Sales agent will contact you when package is on its way. 5. Sales agent will contact you to confirm package is received.
  • How long will my order take before it is processed?
    1. The order will be processed within 24-48 hours of confirmation. 2. Upon confirmation of order, if payment is not received within 48 hours transaction will be cancelled and items restocked. 3. Orders will not be shipped until payment is confirmed.
  • What types of payment do you accept?
    1. "Offline" payments. This means after placing your order, we will contct you to arrange the payment options. a. Bank transfer. b. Direct bank deposit. c. Cash (sales agent only) d. WiPay link.
  • Do you charge taxes on your items after ordering?
    1. No! The prices listed on the products are FINAL. 2. The shipping rate is the only additional charge added to your invoice.
  • Do you accept cheque?
    1. No
  • What areas do you ship to?
    1. Nationwide, through TTPost or an independent courier company.
  • Which courier service do you use?
    1. We use TTPOST 2. Independent Courier Company 3. Sales Representative at Flowerpodsinmind.
  • How much does shipping/delivery cost?
    1. TTPost Trinidad & Tobago a fee of $35.00. 2. Courier company Trinidad a fee of $40.00. 3. Courier company Tobago a fee of $60.00
  • What is your return policy?
    1. Requests for returns, exchanges, or refunds must be made within 24 hours of receiving the item/s. 2. Items must have all tags on, unused items, soiled or damaged. 3. An additional courier fee applies to complete the return or exchange. 4. Refunds will only be completed when items are returned in the exact conditions sent out. 5. Returns, exchanges, or refunds will not be accepted after 7 business days of the initial contact made within 24 hours in which the customer advises they need to do a return, exchange, or refund.
  • Do I have to pay for return shipping?
    1. Yes, we use independent companies to deliver.


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